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  • Jun 14, 2017
    Washington State and Minnesota are top-ranked states again, but all states lag in helping care for the growing populations of people aging and living with disabilities.

    WASHINGTON, DC—With baby boomers beginning to turn 80 in 2026, states must accelerate the pace of improving long-term services and supports (LTSS) for older people and adults with disabilities, according to AARP’s new state scorecard released today. The report, Picking Up The Pace of Change: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers (“Scorecard”), shows that although most states have made some progress, the pace of change overall remains too slow and has not kept up with demographic demands.

  • Jun 13, 2017

    WASHINGTON, DC—Eight prominent patient, provider and consumer advocate groups announced today they are joining forces to host a series of events in states across the country to highlight the need to protect patient access to affordable and adequate care as the health debate continues in Washington, DC.

  • Jun 12, 2017
    Steps Up Opposition to Harmful Health Bill with Visits to Capitol Hill, Phone Calls, Social Media

    WASHINGTON, DC — AARP today announced new television ads against the Age Tax and other provisions in the health care bill, urging 11 U.S. Senators in eight states to “vote No” on the...

  • Jun 12, 2017

    WASHINGTON, DC—AARP’s IT department has been recognized as one of the 100 Best Places to Work in IT by IDG’s Computerworld for the second consecutive year. Computerworld gives the award to organizations that challenge their IT staff, while providing great benefits and competitive compensation, and ample opportunities for growth. This year AARP ranked an outstanding number 4 among midsize organizations up from number 16 from last year.

  • Jun 8, 2017
    More Companies Respond to the Growing Needs of Working Caregivers With Expert Resources, Flexible Work Arrangements, Paid Time Off, Online Tools, and High-Touch Services

    WASHINGTON, DC— Today, AARP and the Respect A Caregiver’s Time Coalition (ReACT) released a new report, “Supporting Working Caregivers: Case Studies of Promising Practices,” which points...