AARP Eye Center
WASHINGTON—Today, AARP launched the AARP Veterans and Military Spouses Job Center, a new digital platform bringing together valuable information and resources to help veterans and military spouses compete in today’s job market. The job center includes a new Veterans Career Advantage Course to build on career planning and skills development to help navigate the job market. According to an AARP survey, more than half (56%) of employers say experience and the use of skills in previous positions are 'very important' when evaluating applicant's skills.
“When you’re a veteran or military spouse, it can be challenging to know where to start your job search and how to get employers to understand how your job skills, experience and character transfer to a new position,” said Troy Broussard, Senior Advisor, AARP Veterans and Military Families Initiative and U.S. Army Desert Storm veteran. “This free, one-stop resource will help veterans and military spouses learn how to effectively leverage their military skills and experience to give them an edge in today’s competitive job market and avoid underemployment.”
The AARP Veterans and Military Spouses Job Center features a range of free resources to help the 8.3 million veterans in the United States workforce:
According to the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report, veteran unemployment fell to 3.2% in December 2021. While unemployment has decreased over the past year, underemployment continues to hold many veterans back. Two-thirds of all veteran employees reported having a job unequal to the level of skills and qualifications that they had gained in the military, according to the 2018 Blue Star Families’ annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey. Further, two-thirds of employed active-duty spouses (67%) reported they are underemployed in some way, indicating their current employment does not match their desires, education, or experience, according to the 2020 Blue Star Families’ annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey.
On January 26, AARP’s Online Career Expo will feature live veterans forums/panels, webinars, opportunities to ask other veterans for advice, and jobs from military-friendly employers. Other resources include AARP Resume Advisor, AARP Skills Builder for WorkSM, Be Your Own Boss, and Small Business Resource Center for the 50+. To learn more about the AARP Veterans and Military Spouses Job Center, visit For more information and other free resources on how AARP supports veterans and military families on caregiving, fighting fraud through Operation Protect Veterans, and connecting with earned service benefits, visit
About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit, or follow @AARP, @AARPenEspanol and @AARPadvocates, @AliadosAdelante on social media.