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  • May 7, 2024
    Donald Trump leads over President Joe Biden among older voters; Senate race is neck-and-neck between Sen. Bob Casey and Dave McCormick

    Today, AARP Pennsylvania released a 2024 statewide election survey that shows candidates for President, U.S. Senate, and state races should pay close attention to Pennsylvanians ages 50 and older. Eighty-percent of voters ages 50+ report that candidates’ positions on Social Security are important in deciding whom to vote for in November, followed by Medicare (73%), helping people stay in their homes as they age (69%), and the cost of prescription drugs (67%).

  • May 6, 2024

    AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins issued the following statement in response to the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports released today:

  • AARP Bulletin's May 2024 issue cover.
    May 2, 2024
    The May edition takes on today’s most common health, money, home, and tech issues.

    WASHINGTON—The May edition of AARP Bulletin offers readers professional tips to solve 26 everyday problems. Bulletin editors sought guidance from dozens of top professional field readers’...

  • Apr 25, 2024

    “Everyone in America should have access to a fast, fair, and open internet to get conduct work, buy goods, access health care and stay connected to family and friends. That’s why AARP supports the FCC’s decision to reinstate net neutrality."

  • Apr 24, 2024
    AARP is Working to Turn the Tide at the State and Federal Levels, With at Least 19 States Taking Action to Date

    A new AARP survey finds that 20% of adults ages 50+ have no retirement savings, and more than half (61%) are worried they will not have enough money to support them in retirement. The findings also reveal a decline in overall sense of financial security among men, 42% of whom describe their financial situation as “fair” or “poor,” up from 34% in the beginning of 2022. However, roughly 40% of men who are regularly saving for retirement believe they are saving enough, compared to just 30% of women.

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