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Jul 3, 2018
July/August AARP Bulletin Special Report: AARP to Help Fund Dementia Research
$60M investment in search for treatment signals major new priority for nation’s largest non-profit advocacy organization

WASHINGTON, DC—On June 25, AARP announced an unprecedented investment of $60 million in the Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF) the first and largest venture fund focused on discovering and developing effective new drugs for treating dementia and ultimately a cure. Now, a special report in the July/August issue of AARP Bulletin details the scope of this health care issue, profiles the DDF, and explains why research to date has yielded so few solutions, despite tens of billions of dollars spent.

The AARP Bulletin special report also reveals the physical, emotional and financial stress of dementia on family caregivers, the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s, what we know and don’t know about Alzheimer’s and the urgent need for innovation worldwide.

Every 65 seconds someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s. In fact, more than six million people in America have various types of dementia and those numbers are growing at an alarming rate. According to current projections, by 2050 the number will exceed 16 million people or about one in five Americans 65 and older.

Other stories in the July/August issue:

Cover Story

  • 99 Great Ways to Save! AARP’s ninth annual round-up of clever money-saving ideas tops $46,000 in potential savings. Learn when and where to buy your produce to save on groceries, tips on how to market your old electronics, and how to earn extra cash by taking online surveys. Check out 99 tips from experts that can help you save on everything from beauty and style to travel, technology and home finance.

Election 2018

  • The Future of Health Care and What the Next Congress Might Do: What’s at stake for the Medicare and Medicaid programs in the upcoming midterm elections? Medicare provides benefits to 60 million older adults and people with disabilities. Will states turn Medicaid into a ‘block grant’ program, a critical safety net program that covers six in ten nursing home residents in the U.S.? This year’s elections could decide whether politicians try to cut or strengthen these important benefits for seniors, disabled people, and low-income families. The July/August Bulletin includes four key questions you should ask each Congressional candidate on Medicare and Medicaid. 


  • Retire in a College Town: If you can get past the image of frat parties and kegs, you may want to look into retiring in a college town. Turns out these small towns are appealing and rating high among retirees, according to AARP’s Livability Index. Check out some of the cities that attract older Americans, like Athens, Ga., and Rochester, Minn. These areas are alluring for their vibrant energy, convenient walkable neighborhoods, and abundance of restaurants, shopping, sports, and cultural events, reliable transportation and first-rate healthcare.


  • Juggling Estate Decisions: Splitting an inheritance can be an emotional and stressful process – more so, if you tie the knot a second time and have children. The July/August issue includes an article by AARP’s financial expert, Jane Bryant Quinn, that includes tips and choices you can make now to leave your heirs happy.

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About AARP Bulletin
The definitive news source for AARP’s members, AARP Bulletin ( reaches more than 23.5 million households each month in print, with additional news and in-depth coverage online. Covering health and health policy, Medicare, Social Security, consumer protection, personal finance, and AARP state and national news developments, AARP Bulletin delivers the story behind the key issues confronting 50+ America. The monthly consumer-oriented news publication has become a must-read for congressional lawmakers and Washington opinion leaders, and it provides AARP members with pertinent information they need to know.

About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

For further information: Paola Torres, AARP, 202-434-2555,